As I told earlier, I have practised on my snow-ploughing skills lately. The last snowy winters we still had five people in the house, but now the staff has been reduced and the adults have reached the stage where you realise that you actually grow older year by year.
There's been some very cold days on every winter, but now we've had serious minus grades for weeks. The snowy trees look magnificent when the low winter sun shines through the tops. It brings back memories of childhood winters, skiing in the forest with a cousin, shaking the snow off the branches - a "snowshower" was really fun đł❄đ€Ł.
The two oldest of our kids had "real" winters with snow - they built snowmen and forts, and once discovered "a dinosaur skeleton" when wet snow got packed into big blocks. But the youngest one's childhood provided much less wintry entertainment - no matter how hard we tried to collect all the snow from the yard to a little sled hill, it melted in a few days. Her age group didn't even learn to ski and skate properly, because they had so little chance to practise in the early years.
When I was a child, my father built an impressive toboggan ride in front of the house. It kept intact for weeks, and so did the ski slopes on the fields. I built snowmen and lanterns, jumped into the heaps and went skating when it wasn't terribly cold. It's been a long time since our yard has looked like a winter wonderland, but this year it finally happened. Too bad there's no longer anyone who would enjoy this kind of weather ❄đ.
Actually, there are two members of the family who are very disappointed with us humans - why don't we do something about that coldness? Especially Taavi the cat has taken up sitting on our bedroom's windowsill, judging the weather and my janitory skills in fighting the snow. Certainly he would do it better.
His brother Kaapo is more adventurous when it comes to visiting their cat balcony on a cold day - Taavi usually puts his nose out and turns back, but Kaapo can actually spend a few minutes outside. I only let them sniff the weather for a little while, and close the window when they come back inside. But there's a problem: in the summer Kaapo stayed on the balcony floor, and Taavi was the one to sleep on the upper levels. Now Kaapo realised there's no snow up there, closer to the ceiling, and I once closed the window though he was sitting on the highest shelf. I did notice soon that he was missing, but it could have ended badly đłđŸ. So counting the cats is my new daily hobby.
Kuten Game of Thrones jaksoi muistuttaa, talvi tuli viimein. Moni oli jo tottunut siihen, ettÀ kylmÀnÀ vuodenaikana oli vain vÀhÀn lunta, muutama kunnon pakkaspÀivÀ eikÀ toppahaalareita ja talvisaappaita tarvittu.
Kerroin jo aiemmin, ettÀ olen viime aikoina hionut lumenluontitaitojani. Aiempina lumitalvina talossa oli vielÀ viisi asukasta, mutta nyt henkilökunta on vÀhentynyt ja aikuiset ovat tulleet vaiheeseen, jossa huomaa ettÀ tosiaan vanhenee vuosi vuodelta.
Talvisin on aina ollut jokunen todella kylmĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€, mutta nyt oikeat pakkaset jatkuivat viikkoja. Lumiset puut ovat upeita, kun talviaurinko paistaa matalalta latvojen lĂ€pi. Se tuo mieleen lapsuuden talvet, kun hiihdettiin serkun kanssa metsĂ€ssĂ€, pudotellen lunta puiden oksilta - "lumisuihku" oli jĂ€nnĂ€ đł❄đ€Ł.
Kaksi vanhinta lasta saivat kokea lumisia talvia - he rakensivat lumiukkoja ja -linnoja, ja kerran löysivÀt "dinosauruksen luurangon" kun mÀrkÀ lumi oli pakkautunut suuriksi lohkareiksi. Mutta nuorimmaisen lapsuudessa oli paljon vÀhemmÀn talvista viihdettÀ - vaikka kuinka kolasimme lumet tontilta yhteen kasaan, liukumÀki suli muutamassa pÀivÀssÀ. HÀnen ikÀluokkansa ei saanut oppia edes kunnolla hiihtÀmÀÀn ja luistelemaan, kun oli niin vÀhÀn tilaisuuksia harjoitella pienenÀ.
Kun minĂ€ olin lapsi, isĂ€ rakensi vaikuttavan pulkkamĂ€en talon eteen. Se pysyi ehjĂ€nĂ€ viikkokausia, samoin pelloille tehdyt ladut. Rakensin lumiukkoja ja lyhtyjĂ€, hypin kinoksiin ja kĂ€vin luistelemassa, kun ei ollut hirveĂ€n kylmĂ€. SiitĂ€ on kauan kun meidĂ€n piha on nĂ€yttĂ€nyt talven ihmemaalta, mutta nyt se viimein tapahtui. Vahinko, ettei kotona ole enÀÀ ketÀÀn joka nauttisi kinoksista ❄đ.
Itse asiassa kaksi perheenjÀsentÀ ovat erittÀin pettyneitÀ ihmisiin - miksei tuolle kylmyydelle tehdÀ mitÀÀn? Varsinkin Taavi-kissa on ottanut tavaksi istua makuuhuoneen ikkunalaudalla, ja arvostella sÀÀtÀ sekÀ minun talonmiestaitojani lumenhallinnassa. Toki se tekisi kaiken paremmin.
Velipoika Kaapo on rohkeampi, kun kysytÀÀn onko kissaparvekkeelle menijöitĂ€ kylmĂ€nĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€. Taavi yleensĂ€ pistÀÀ nenĂ€nsĂ€ ulos ja kÀÀntyy takaisin, mutta Kaapo voi viihtyĂ€ montakin minuuttia. Annan niiden nuuskutella sÀÀtĂ€ vain hetken, ja suljen ikkunan kun ne tulevat sisÀÀn. Mutta tĂ€hĂ€n liittyy ongelma: kesĂ€llĂ€ Kaapo oleili parvekkeen lattialla, ja Taavi tapasi nukkua ylĂ€tasoilla. Nyt Kaapo hoksasi ettĂ€ ylhÀÀllĂ€ katonrajassa ei ole lunta, ja kerran suljin ikkunan, vaikka se istui ylimmĂ€llĂ€ hyllyllĂ€. Huomasin kyllĂ€ pian ettĂ€ se puuttui, mutta siinĂ€ olisi voinut kĂ€ydĂ€ huonosti đłđŸ. TĂ€mĂ€n takia kissojen laskeminen on uusi pĂ€ivittĂ€inen harrastukseni.
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